Nexun Cosmo
Solar Simulator
300 - 1900nm AM0 Solar simulator
Avalon’s patented LED - Tungsten light source allows extended irradiation range up to 1900nm at 1367W/m2, following black-body radiation.
for Multi-Junction
Avalon’s control technology with up to 32 channels allows simple & flexible per-junction spectral calibration.
Simple Multi-Junction Calibration
Up to 6 isocell or monitoring device for automated per-junction calibration. Save time and improve accuracy
Customizable Spectrum
AM0, AM1.5, Mars
Get full control of your measurement
Small & Big
We accommodate sizes from 30x30cm up to 12m2 or more, for the most demanding applications.
Want to know more?
Get in touch today at to learn how can Avalon’s solar simulator help your business.